Hi I wanted to say I've bought your game and man am I enjoying the story not only is the whole concept of the game cool but the tickling is definitely a fun mechanic to further the story! Unfortunately I cannot seem to progress the story further passed the point after Ross is captured and the VIP rooms are unlocked, as soon as the dialog ends the screen returns to my base and I am stuck facing the the truck in the center and no matter what I press or clink I am unable to move at all. I've tried restarting from the beginning to see if that helps but it does not, I've even deleted/re-downloaded the entire game only to re-played it from the beginning to that certain point to see if it fixes the issue to no avail. Not sure if it's a bug or am I really going to be stuck with a game that I can not finish? I hope you can fix it if you can as I was looking forward to continuing the story and I'd be bummed if I just bought the game and can't finish it as I'm unsure what to do at this point. Please get back to me as soon you can and thanks for your time One!
However, it's a very strange bug that you've reported. No one has ever said anything about encountering an issue like this before in the year and a half since its release. Can you show me some screenshots about this bug? And can you double check you are on the most recent version of the game? Also, are you on the Mac or Windows version of the game?
And one more thing: in the previous scene, did you try to save the Glider Troopers? And what are your skills? I'm wondering if there is some combination of skills that somehow lead to the bug.
In terms of skills I've been a charmer and shulker since the beginning..not sure if we're supposed to stick with our skills throughout the game or change them to get different outcomes as time goes on but I've left my skills unchanged..not sure if that might be another apart of the issue? As for the previous scene, I have done both options taking Ross head on and staying back to save my Glider Troops which has resulted in me getting stuck in that position no matter what outcome I choose. I am playing on the most recent version of the Windows version from Jun 03, 2023 but I will share the screenshots so you can check them out regardless.
Hope you can find the source of the problem One and thanks for taking time out of your day to help me with my problem, I appreciate it!
Again, I'd like to apologise you are having this experience. You are so polite, and I am so sorry this happened to you.
Now, it's nearly midnight where I am, so I'll look into this more tomorrow, but maybe you can try running the program as administrator? Also try compatibility mode (Windows 7). Also, move the game file to the desktop.
If that still doesn't work, I will make a new save for you that starts there so you can resume from that moment. You will need to reset your skills at the trainer to avoid soft-locking the game, but everything should (hopefully) still work from there.
P.S. Just to double check, you didn't mod the game in any way, right?
Don't apologize One mistakes happen even when you least expect it every game has it's tweaks here and there so running into a problem is always bound to happen, I am sure you're trying your best find out the problem! I'm trying to see if running as admin fixes it but it is still running into the same issue, as for trying it on compatibility mode I will let you know how it goes..but it would be good to have a new save just incase the same problem occurs. And no you don't need to worry about modding being the problem as I am just enjoying the game how it was when I bought it, plus I'm very unaware of how things work when it comes to modding let alone modding a game itself so I usually leave that type of work to the modders haha. Anyways get back to me whenever you can and thanks again!
Yes! In the base, if you talk to the 'captured' enemies, it will replay their tickle scenes. You can see them around the walls (you might need to go up a ladder).
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Hi I wanted to say I've bought your game and man am I enjoying the story not only is the whole concept of the game cool but the tickling is definitely a fun mechanic to further the story! Unfortunately I cannot seem to progress the story further passed the point after Ross is captured and the VIP rooms are unlocked, as soon as the dialog ends the screen returns to my base and I am stuck facing the the truck in the center and no matter what I press or clink I am unable to move at all. I've tried restarting from the beginning to see if that helps but it does not, I've even deleted/re-downloaded the entire game only to re-played it from the beginning to that certain point to see if it fixes the issue to no avail. Not sure if it's a bug or am I really going to be stuck with a game that I can not finish? I hope you can fix it if you can as I was looking forward to continuing the story and I'd be bummed if I just bought the game and can't finish it as I'm unsure what to do at this point. Please get back to me as soon you can and thanks for your time One!
Firstly, I'm really glad you enjoyed the game.
However, it's a very strange bug that you've reported. No one has ever said anything about encountering an issue like this before in the year and a half since its release. Can you show me some screenshots about this bug? And can you double check you are on the most recent version of the game? Also, are you on the Mac or Windows version of the game?
And one more thing: in the previous scene, did you try to save the Glider Troopers? And what are your skills? I'm wondering if there is some combination of skills that somehow lead to the bug.
In terms of skills I've been a charmer and shulker since the beginning..not sure if we're supposed to stick with our skills throughout the game or change them to get different outcomes as time goes on but I've left my skills unchanged..not sure if that might be another apart of the issue? As for the previous scene, I have done both options taking Ross head on and staying back to save my Glider Troops which has resulted in me getting stuck in that position no matter what outcome I choose. I am playing on the most recent version of the Windows version from Jun 03, 2023 but I will share the screenshots so you can check them out regardless.
Hope you can find the source of the problem One and thanks for taking time out of your day to help me with my problem, I appreciate it!
Again, I'd like to apologise you are having this experience. You are so polite, and I am so sorry this happened to you.
Now, it's nearly midnight where I am, so I'll look into this more tomorrow, but maybe you can try running the program as administrator? Also try compatibility mode (Windows 7). Also, move the game file to the desktop.
If that still doesn't work, I will make a new save for you that starts there so you can resume from that moment. You will need to reset your skills at the trainer to avoid soft-locking the game, but everything should (hopefully) still work from there.
P.S. Just to double check, you didn't mod the game in any way, right?
Don't apologize One mistakes happen even when you least expect it every game has it's tweaks here and there so running into a problem is always bound to happen, I am sure you're trying your best find out the problem! I'm trying to see if running as admin fixes it but it is still running into the same issue, as for trying it on compatibility mode I will let you know how it goes..but it would be good to have a new save just incase the same problem occurs. And no you don't need to worry about modding being the problem as I am just enjoying the game how it was when I bought it, plus I'm very unaware of how things work when it comes to modding let alone modding a game itself so I usually leave that type of work to the modders haha. Anyways get back to me whenever you can and thanks again!
Here is a save file you can use in case you need it! https://sta.sh/21fdo5fyuem6?edit=1
There shouldn't be any problems with a save like this, but there may be, so let me know if you have any trouble.
Is there anyway to access the scenes in the game (such as the captured scene) without replaying the entire game?
Yes! In the base, if you talk to the 'captured' enemies, it will replay their tickle scenes. You can see them around the walls (you might need to go up a ladder).